Katherine Lew

Director of Analytics Services

BAO Systems

Katherine is a public health professional with over 15 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, health information systems strengthening, and data analytics, visualization and use. Having worked in multiple countries across Asia and Africa, she has keen insight into the data needs of our partners. Katherine builds and maintains partner relationships, conducts market research, and recommends services and products, helping to drive company strategy and impact.

Other speakers

Miriam Nkangu
Global Health Researcher
University of Ottawa
Dr. Adebusoye Anifalaje
Chief Implementation Officer and Co-Founder
BAO Systems
Mwenya Kasonde
Global Health Consultant
Dan Marin
Stephen Maina
Social Media Optimization Manager
Anna Winters
Michael Cooper
Director of Research and Evaluation
Panagora Group
Steffen Tengesdal
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
BAO Systems
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