Miriam Nkangu

Global Health Researcher

University of Ottawa

Miriam Nkangu is a global health and development professional, researcher, digital health innovator and doctoral candidate in Epidemiology at University of Ottawa, Canada. Her doctoral work aims to generate evidence to inform policies on improving performance-based financing equity programs for maternal and child health services in Cameroon and sub-Saharan Africa at large. She has led the conceptualization, design, and implementation of international projects on maternal and child health services, supporting evidence implementation and synthesis in Africa, health systems strengthening and capacity building. As a global health researcher, she consults with NGOs and leases with international partners, and ministries of health. Her professional experiences in the last decade have mostly focused on working with rural communities and vulnerable populations in building capacity, empowerment and supporting local champions and advocacy activities in sub-Saharan Africa. Miriam is the founding director and Co-Chair of Health Promotion Alliance Cameroon (HPAC) . Her career is committed on mainstreaming these approaches further in current global health practice and carrying forward the lessons to a post-COVID19 world with a focus on issues related to gender equality, health equity, digital health for maternal and child health, social impact, public health policy, universal health coverage and primary health care.

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